Ketamine Treatment
How Do I Know if Ketamine Therapy is Right for Me?
Ketamine offers a rapid and robust alternative to traditional medical and psychiatric treatments for pain syndromes and mental health disorders. Intravenous ketamine infusions often succeed where first-line therapies have failed to relieve your symptoms.
Patients who continue to struggle with symptoms caused by anxiety, major depression, postpartum depression, substance abuse, treatment-resistant depression, and bipolar depression often experience improvement within hours of their first ketamine treatment.
Ketamine offers such rapid results that it’s especially beneficial for treating patients with suicidal ideation who can’t wait weeks or months to see if a psychiatric medication might help. Ketamine also offers effective symptom relief for PTSD and OCD.
Ketamine is not a replacement for therapy and conventional medication. It should be used in adjunct with your therapy program. This is why we work closely with your provider. Ketamine treatment may not work for everyone and may only provide temporary relief. We will work closely with you and your doctor to work towards a positive outcome from your treatment. Our hand in yours, on the road to wellness.
We are now offering a 20% discount to Veterans.
Contact us to learn if Ketamine treatment is right for you.
How Does Ketamine Work?
Ketamine is mostly known for its action on the NMDA receptor in the brain, leading to increased activity of a neurotransmitter called glutamate. Increased glutamate levels may enhance one’s mood, decrease anxiety or depression symptoms.
Ketamine can decrease the inflammation of the nervous system, as well as stimulate the development of new nerve connections.
Frequently reported benefits from our patients are elevated mood, decreased depression and anxiety, improved energy levels, improved coping mechanisms, and more.
What To Expect

Before Your Visit
Ketamine Wellness Infusions will work closely with your current provider to develop a treatment plan that is best suited for your condition. After we identify the correct treatment plan we will schedule your first infusion.

Infusion Day
You will be examined and monitored each step throughout the treatment by our board-certified providers. The duration of the infusion treatment will depend on your specific diagnosis.

Following the completion of your infusion treatment, we will collaborate with your other providers. After the follow-up visit we can make a decision about your maintenance plan.

Ketamine Infusion
On the day of you infusion we kindly ask you to arrive 10-15 minutes before your infusion time. We will complete consent for treatment and answer any questions you may have.
We will use pain-relieving spray on your arm prior to placing a small IV catheter to maximize your comfort. You will relax in a comfortable chair. During your infusion, a board-certified nurse anesthetist (CRNA) will closely monitor your vital signs and tend to your needs.
Patients describe a Ketamine infusion as a relaxing experience. Some patients report dissociative (“fluttering”) effects. A small number of patients experience mild nausea and/or mild increase in heart rate and blood pressure, which subside following completion of the infusion.
Following your infusion, you will have a recovery period of 30 minutes or longer, if needed. Once you feel ready to head home, you will need to be driven by another individual. Please do not drive or operate machinery until the following day.
Most patients experience positive effects from Ketamine treatment. The duration of therapeutic effects varies from 1- 6 months. Once you complete the initial series of Ketamine infusions, we will speak to your physician about your treatment and the progress you achieved. Working together with your provider will benefit your treatment outcomes, which is our main goal!